22 January 2009


I have just finished reading "The Twilight" book by Stephenie Meyer and learned more about the stories in her website. I wanted to buy the Twilight Series but they were ridiculously priced yet so I dashed to the city library but found none and waited this long as there was a long queue.
Can you believe there were around 300 people who were on the reserve list? And to meet this request, they bought additional new books. So right now I consider myself lucky to be reading a new book - saved my money and not having to end up with another book collection to be thrown and stacked in the shelves.
I could be a cult follower for all I know but I am still penny pinching when it comes to buying stuff ... like books, dvds, etc. And that's another story....
There is something about vampire romance that makes me feel crazy in love with the vampire heroes and the vampiric life altogether. So I have seen for a hundred times - The Interview with the Vampire and read all the books of Anne Rice. I also love Bram Stoker's Dracula, Underworld, From Dusk Til Dawn. The Lost Boys ... to name a few!
But Twilight and all the other books of Stephenie Meyer just topped it all up for me. For now! I am totally in love with the characters. Her writing is fabulous. I can hear the characters talking as if they are real and alive (or exist in the case of the vampires!). But learning more about Stephenie - being a mother of three and not having written or published any novels before, is really an eye opener. Where would she get all these ideas from? She said that it all started in a dream. And wrote the novel in 6 months, after that! Amazing! My fascination with vampire romance genre - started when I was young. There was this TV series about vampires which I researched was made in 1979 but was shown later on the TV maybe int the 90's. I cannot even remember the title but all I can remember is this particular scene where the Hero/villain-Vampire was carrying this almost dead girl while the Moonlight Sonata music was played on the background! It's kind of sexy, very romantic vampire genre that would have inspired all the other succeeding films ... And I would categorized this as classic! I found it and all the stories behind.... thanks to Google! THE CURSE OF DRACULA Starring: Michael Nouri, Stephen Johnson, Carol Baxter, Antoinette Stella, Mark Montgomery, Bever-Leigh Banfield and Louise SorelCount Dracula was living in present-day San Francisco and teaching a course in European History at South Bay College. One of the advantages of his teaching post was that it brought him in contact with attractive young students who could be turned into vampires. Seeking to destroy Dracula was Kurt von Helsing, grandson of Prof. von Helsing, a former nemesis of the count.

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