19 December 2008


When, asked what I want for Christmas, the resident drag queen could not make up her silly murky mind.... hmmmmm!
Let me think .... I am intrinsically "cheap" and though I want to get some expensive stuff and update my drag wardrobe, I really don't find it practical at the moment, especially that we are in the middle of a recession.... and there are children and people out there who do not have anything at all on their table ....
And though I want to add a little bit more to my "fake jewelries" and showgirl type of accessories, (they are not that cheap if you want to buy the nicer types), I better close my obssessive mind off all these beautiful stuff and think of something else - more productive and helpful!
So the following photos of fabulous necklaces (that I took) should just remain as a collection in my ever growing collection of photos ...
But yes.... maybe if I win the lotto, I would surely run to the nearest Swarovski crystal dealer and buy five sets of earrings and necklaces, so at least I project a rich budgetted Drag Queen, for a change! Isn't it ???

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