14 April 2009


  • It was only a four day break and now I find myself back to the old grind again. But looking back ... at least ... during those four day supposed-to-be-retreat - I did achieve a lot of different things. And it was stress free ... gluten free, fat free!
  • CAMPING. We thought of going for camping first, as we have planned and kept on postponing this activity ... somewhere in the Lakes or mountains, but decided otherwise since that would involve time wasted on travelling and with our two kidz (Kitty Minky - new name of Skippy and Teddy Blair - new name of Ruffy), it would be a lot of hassles. Plus, I dreaded the thought of not getting proper sleep in a tent and missing my daily long hot showers. Plus we were not sure what the weather would be like - which turned out to be perfect for the past four days! .... Anyhoo...there are definitely enough convenience at home that you would not like missing and I was planning on doing heaps of cleaning up in preparation for the winter ...
  • ORGANIZING. I finally found the motivation to organize and clean up the toilet drawers and cabinets which were all filled with various beauty products which I collected over the years and now the are in total chaos and disarray .... Throwing stuff that were never used and are out of date and organizing them into labels and different categories like toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, soap, etc), face and beauty products, hair products, mouth and teeth, eyes (contact lenses) .... My mantra was "Less is Best" and "You have to be cruel to be effective!" ..... So I found stuff that I had been looking for (like that Kiehl's coconut shampoo and La Mer Eye Cream) and it was a nice feeling of control knowing NOW that you know exactly where the effective and favorite stuff are when you need them, especially when you are in a hurry! With that mantra in mind, it was so easy filling up our one week garbage recycling bin! I can't believe priceline shopping can bring all sort of problems ....
  • WALKING. Words that Kitty Minky and Teddy Blair responds to with utmost excitement - "Let's go for a Waaaalkkkk!" So we walked in the botanical gardens, rivers, parks, and Bridge Road (shopping district!). But the highlight of our walking expedition is the accidental discovery of a lease free dog and puppy beach in Brighton during the Easter Sunday morning .... I could not believe the number and variety of dogs running around the beach with their masters! And our little two had the best time of their lives, and they were dead tired and sleepy the whole night through while we were movie marathoning. And they dreamed about the day with their new found friends in the beach, aww, awww! .... Surely, we will visit this place again soon!
    • MORE MOVIES AND BOOKS. Good thing about staying at home during holidays is that you can just opt to stay in bed and watch movies as many and as long as you want. So I had the choice of watching Knowing, Doubt, The Reader, Vicky Christina Barcelona, Easy Virtue, Spirit and Breakfast at Tiffany's (where I cried with both eyes at the end!). For the two munchies, we put on Beverly Hills Chihuahua which they totally relate to .. And before going to sleep, I gorged on my Gossip Girls series which I am totally hooked on at the moment .... I guess my favorite character is Blair Waldorf as I could relate to her OCness, her movie mindset (like she is relating her life to movies in her mind), her funny stubbornness, and bitchiness plus the fact that she totally adores Audrey Hepburn .... so that's the reason why I rumamged for that Breakfast at Tiffany's, although I have seen it long time ago - and played the first ten minutes introduction five times - I can totally see why, Blair Waldorf is crazy about this movie and all about Audrey Hepburn - - my longtime forgotten obssession about AH was just rekindled - - - so I guess, my next DVD collection would be all movies with Audrey in it ... ! :) I know you'll love this too!

    • KNOWING. You will be greedy to say that all you want is everything, as one of the GG book's title suggest! But Knowing exactly what you want - is all that matters - and leads you to a lifetime adventure that you would never regret .... and in my case "moonriver and me..." as Holly Golightly or Audrey crooned!


    Dawn Selya said...

    Love Audrey! I had thought of wearing a little black dress, with bagel and coffee in my hands, and standing in front of Tiffany's on 5th ave early morning ... o di ba? Well, I'm glad you've done a lot on your mini-vacation.

    Gayzha said...

    OMGGG.....Hey Dawn, I actually thought of doing the same too... but the Tiffany's here is quite small... so I dare you nahhh! Ask your friend to take a film as well... and remember the Holly walk!


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