28 February 2006


I think it's time to change my hair color and style. I'm sooo bored with my hair right now. I have black brown hair after lightening it using ultra blond hair color last weekend and still it looks black. There is a little bit of light brown when I am in open light though. I went to have my hair cut from my favorite hairstylist last weekend. I am obssesed with my hair ever since i can remember. For the past years I have changed colors and styles and even colored my hair four times in one day (from brown to orange to pale blonde to brown) ... but have not really grown my hair to more than 5 inches, which I am planning to do now - to grow my hair really long. I always have short hairstyle and even had army haircut a lot of times, i think to make myself really look butch... but then sometimes, I look like a bloody lesbian. Right now, my hair exactly looks (not my face) like this! I chose this model since his face closely resembles my face which is a bit oval to round. Three months ago, and for the past years, I always have this clean stylecut especially if i go to work - just imagine with the black brown hair. Which I quickly restyles to this bit trendy look when I go to parties or other social events, my weekend look. And this hairstyle ( a bit darker color though) is what I am trying to achieve. Isn't this so cute, I have seen a lot of asian guys who really look good with this hairsytle.


Heidi Grether said...

Hey, you are crazy about hair and that is what I do!

So you color your own, or does your fabulous stylist do your color, too?

Nice styles!

Gayzha said...

hi hattigrace,

thanks for dropping by, yes i am hair crazy since i know that my basically hairstyle does a lot of magic in one's appearance. So i am experimenting with styles and colors.

I have not really tried to a have long locks, so i am a bit excited to this style. Could you give me some advice? I checked your blogsite and you are really great!

Heidi Grether said...

You definitely have the face and fashion attitude to carry off any extreme in hair. Fortunately, a lot of mid-lengths are cool right now, so it is not like you have to look goofy while it is growing.

The main thing is to have a stylist that will work with you, have a vision together. . . like I love photos and when I am helping a client grow out, we keep that photo out for each session. I review what areas I am just "dusting" the ends so they won't split and get frazzled and what areas need to be cut more to correct the length proportions.

Do you have a stylist you trust?

Long drive up here! HA!!

So, what were your hairs on your arms standing up about? That is my fav subject!

K said...

This is so cool with the models--I totally understand your obsession with hair.

Have you made a decision?

PS. Thanks for dropping by my site and for the comment!

David Tellez said...

I'm hair crazy too! Ever since high school I've dyed my hair so many times in so many different colors, I'm actually surprised I havent gone bald...

Anyways, I hear you wanna go blonde and shaggy. So cool. But I think you should add in dark highlights to give it dimension. That way you could be a true "dirty blonde."

Heidi Grether said...

Hey, sounds like dt would be a good stylist!!

Anonymous said...

Oops, i was building a blog for my husband, TremendousTim, so the above comments were from me!!

Heidi Grether said...

When my parents got into AR and her friend, Nathaniel Brandon and objectivity, my home began to change as the last remnants of faith in God were locked out.

It was a dark, sad time. I often looked at them and wondered who they were accountable to. Like they were so sure everything they believed was RIGHT. But, I looked around at other adults who felt the same about their own beliefs. Their RIGHT was in direct conflict w/ my parent's.

To me, life had to have absolutes. Like, in most cases, we can count on the law of gravity to deliver what goes up will come down. Fire always burns, water always quenches fire, etc. Corn seed produces corn plants, apple seed produces apple trees.

Later in life, after I had come to faith in Christ (to their horror, but Mother came to faith 10 days before she died), I saw this biography about Ayn Rand. It was expensive and I am so sorry I did not buy it.

In conclusion, the book summarized the end of her life was full of disgrace, her betrayal of her husband through many adulteries, that she became a foul and bitter person.

All I could think was, "THIS is who my parents wanted me to pattern myself? Her philosophy did not produce peace and virtue in her, so why would any of us think it would work for us?"

Keep looking, my friend. You are a sincere and wonderful person. All the philosophies and religions outside of the saving blood of Jesus Christ pamper the ego of man by telling us we have the power to redeem ourselves through good works.

How comforting to know I now rest in Stronger Arms than my own. He made a way to deal with my dark side, so I could bring Him (and the rest of my world) joy with my light side.


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