27 July 2009


Time is just running so fast ...
It's season time again for Project Runway Oz
Remember MARK ANTONIO of Season 1
who was eliminated "way sooo early"?
He is back with a vengeance as the show's pr biatch,
and this time he is really into it - claws and teetch!

But surprise, surprise !
someone cloned him
a twin sisterrette ??
ohh, so closely resembling MARK
both of Filipino origins (of course!)
wearing weird hairdos
and freak as freak outfits
is this year's
one of twelve designers
and his name:
(very synonymous to MARK ANTONIO?
are they related??? I've gathered that this twin
was adopted from the Philippines when
he was only eight... proudly REMARKABLE indeed!)
He's fiercer ... skinnier than Mark, no?
Just look at those lips...
he can even mowdel his clothes!
comes in complete package: TALENT, CHARACTER and ATTITUDE!
So who's gonna be the greatest
BITCH in designing
stitching ???
(But take note ... there is another MARK in the competition ..
and in fact he is the true MARKOVA of designs....
and his designs are really re-MARK-able in fact
he won in the Episode 1. here)
So far, ANTHONY has shown
passable designs and
hopefully he won't get
eliminated as early as MARK before.
Hmmm ... he is the new MARKova, ANTHONY MARK my world!
O divah.... ??? (pasok sa banga ang lolah natin with this
Cate B inspired look ... in the first episode)

Work it out Gurl .... show us your muscles... Obviously, he has some MADONNA fetish!

Oh.... Laban ka jan ....

If he doesn't MARK it to the top, at least he

already made some MARK just with his hairdo man lang!

But I really wanna see him with MARKOVA at least in the top three!



kawadjan said...

Ay thanks for featuring this! Vengga ang mga Pinoys sa Aus ha. Una na ka na dyan. Process natin ang episodes some time. :-)

Lyka Bergen said...

I think the Capon guy has more edge than Mark. I like his designs. Start pa lang... love ko na sya.

Gayzha said...

Like ko ang work ni Mark Neighbor...very classic sha!

Mark is echosera just like us... I think Fuschiaboy has more talent hah!

Pink Panda said...

Yeisss... that Anthony Capon is waaay beyond creative than Mark... who is was just good in talking and press releases! Hope he makes it to the top!

Pooky said...

Anthony was adopted and moved to Australia when he was 8 MONTHS, not 8 years... so sorry guys the Filippino is only in the looks... and maybe in the genes :)

He has amazing talent. When he graduated with BA in Fashion Design he won the award for top student in the WHOLE school (not only Fashion, ALL the courses).


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