11 December 2008


I have been blogging for almost four years now, but have not earned any single $$$ from it! Ohhh, lots of self promotions, self expressions, and meeting blogger friends - which money cannot buy - - - but getting money (cents and dollars) out of blogging could give you a little bit of reason why you blog!
This is one of the reasons why I went back to bloggers as advertising is not possible in basic wordress (??). Well, I think I have grown from just a personal blogger - to something else. It is like doing my drag numbers for free!!! I love doing drag performances but when you do it often and you don't get paid for it - then it is another story.
Generally, free art is not valuable!
The same way with blogging, If I spent a lot of internet time in blogging then why should I not get something out of it ??? At least monetary ... and this gives me more enthusiasm, I suppose :)
So Nuffnang might be the answer ... and hopefully they are able to help :) They also do a lot of charitable works ... which is commendable!
Nuffnang was started by kids to collaborate and connect blogger and advertisers ... so i think it is cool to sign up with them ... !!!
And if you join this month - there are great prizes to win! And I want to win that Dell Laptop - so I can throw my old one :)
Anyhooooo !!! NUFFNANG NUFFNANG !!!
Join now lah :)
Click on this - - NUFFNANG

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