13 February 2006


Since I arrive in Melbourne, six years ago, I have always been either an active participant or audience to the various activities of the Midsumma Festival which is held late January to February every year. Well, I always attended the Opening Night, Pride March, Theatre Shows, and park events. And I am all gay as ever! One of our gay friends who is living in Sydney with his partner for more than ten years has a very strong opinion against these gay rights celebrations as he said that these are activities that actualy "alienate" gay and lesbians from mainstream society. I really cannot understand what he is talking about - but he insist on saying that he mixes himself with other people (straight or normal as you may) and not only the gay stuff and he does other activities like going to church (as he is a devout Catholic where being gay is condemned), gym, etc. He does not go to gay pubs, churches, or other gay spots and events, as he believes that these are forms of alienation. Well, I think that this line of thinking sucks - for these are actually acts of liberation and with these events - we reclaim our pride and rights as human beings with equal rights.
Well, I for one just enjoy going to the Pride March (for as long as there ever will be) - and for now, I am even thinking of going to the Mardi Gras in Sydney this year.

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